
Monday, August 27, 2012

Back 2 School Giveaway

This week marks the beginning of classes for me along with a lot of other life changes...some difficult, some fun. Regardless, last week I found myself pondering a magnitude of subjects and somewhere between my writing thoughts, accounting thoughts, and personal "to do list" thoughts, one person kept popping up in between. 

I will get to the identity of WHO in just bit. Bare with me while I digress. :)

This past summer I devoured an amazing series, in two days...yes two days. I stayed up til 2:30 in the morning finishing up one! I was so engaged in the story that I didn't even realize how late it was! Now, that's how you know you are reading a good book, am I right? 

And just like any good book, I find that the characters nestle themselves into the far recesses of my brain and from time to time they like to make an appearance. Typically, a song might remind me of them or a specific emotion or time in my life will give rise to my memories of them. 

Now, I fully understand how silly this sounds, but characters and books are a part of my coping mechanism...they are my therapists. And I love them for it!

So, back to last week. My mind has been and continues to be in a constant whirlwind state because of so many changes happening in my life and for whatever reason the character who continues to poke his head into the maelstrom that is my crazy brain would just so happen to be Tristan from Chelsea Fine's Archers of Avalon Series. (Aren't these the most gorgeous book covers?! Anew's cover has even won awards!!!)

        Now Available!

As I sat down to right this post, I attempted to analyze why I would think of him and his story. Tristan is a bit of a tortured soul so to speak and maybe I was relating to his torment. Although, lucky for me my torment does not involve keeping myself away from the ones that I love and living with a nasty curse, but those emotions of turmoil, the thought of being torn, well those are certainly emotions Tristan feels and I've been feeling them as well. 

I know that I will overcome this bumpy life certainly isn't bad or difficult by any means...especially when compared to Tristan and Scarlett's!

So, all of my ramblings lead me to this week's giveaway! This week, I'm giving two lucky winners Kindle/Nook copies of both Anew, book one and Awry, book two, because we all need a little Tristan in our lives. And Scarlett and crew, well they are pretty awesome, too. And just maybe by sharing them, you might get a little book therapy for yourself, as well. ;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Photo shoot madness

Hello, friends!
I just had to share some of the pictures from my photo shoot at the farm today with my little sister. First of all, let it be known that I absolutely despise my picture...I mean really really hate it but for the sake of entertainment I will be sharing some. So without further adieu, here we go....

First of all this is me!You wouldn't know it but to my right there's a pin full of cute calves and to my left a pin full of cows. They were a bit camera shy.

And this is my sizzer...she is so dang cute and that is totally HER truck.

Now here's where things got interesting....
Enter Barn Kitty! Do I look surprised?!

How about now?

Here I've finally come to grips with what is happening. Those barn cats can be quite friendly and are definitely camera hogs.

He won my sister over pretty quick...

And me too! What do you think about the dignified barnyard pose? LOL!

Now this next shot deserves a drum's really that awesome. I had a momentary stroke of genius with this pic. What do you think? (Keep in mind this is a completely unedited photograph.)

I think its pretty awesome. I feel like I need to write a book that fits this photo just so I can make it a book cover and share it with the world. :)

Hope you enjoyed a few of the shots from today. I actually picked out about four pics of myself that I can actually stand and will be using in the future.

Also stay tuned, barn kitty suggested that I have another giveaway as soon as possible and you just don't argue with barn kitty on matters like that. ;)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rafflecopter Giveaway ***WINNERS***


Hello, all!
I just realized that today is Wednesday and I haven’t put up a giveaway for this week! I’m such a slacker! Please forgive me for my indiscretions. Am I forgiven? Okay, good. :)

This week I’m testing out Rafflecopter since I plan on using it in some future giveaways so you will be my first group of guinea pigs. LOL! This week’s giveaway is going to be another easy one! It just requires following a few of my friends. ;) Winner will be announced on the blog next Thursday 8.23.12!!!!

This week’s prizes up for grabs….
Courtney Cole’s Every Last Kiss in Paperback
Devyn Dawson’s The Light Tamer in Paperback
Kindle or Nook copies of a book of your choice by Tiffany King, M. Leighton, or Michelle Muto


(I like giving my winners options.)

Also don’t forget, September is almost here and that means the lovely Tiffany King will be stopping by to pick up the very prestigious honor of  Indie Author of the Month!  And more giveaway madness will continue each week along with some other fun stuff, including but not limited to interviews, book excerpts, and lots of indie author love!

At the end of September one of you lucky ducks will be the recipient of my very first GRAND PRIZE giveaway consisting of all kinds of cool swag, books, and even an Amazon/Barnes & Noble gift card. Pretty cool, huh? You better check in each week because you won’t want to miss out on the fun stuff on the horizon.

Well, I better get back to editing Soul Survivor. My tiny summer break is quickly flying by and I need it all polished and perfect so I can share it with you lovelies ASAP! :)

Psst! Don’t forget if you are on Facebook LIKE my author fan page. Once I hit 100 likes I’ll be doing a special giveaway just for you Facebookers. ;) Here’s the link to my page--->Michelle Nicole

Good luck, my friends! 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Twitter Giveaway Winner

I am pleased to announce that the winner of my first #SummerIsHere Twitter giveaway is.... 

Congrats, Adriane! Direct Message/Email me ( to collect your winnings.

I'm still waiting on 100 likes over on the Facebook page for my Facebook giveaway. So, get to "Liking" for your chance to win.

You can find me Facebook here---> Michelle Nicole

I've still got great titles by Tiffany King, M. Leighton, Devyn Dawson, Courtney Cole, and Michelle Muto, along with some other nifty swag that I'm just dying to giveaway.

Be sure to stay tuned for the next GIVEAWAY! Coming soon! :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Busy Funfilled Week

Hello, all!
As I am sitting here at my desk this lovely Sunday evening (blogging when I should be studying), I realized that I've got one exciting, busy week ahead! Not only do I have a final on Tuesday but its also the county fair! I don't typically miss a night of country concerts, bull riding, figure-8 derby, demolition derby, tractor pulls, etc. While I can't go every night this year, I sure am looking forward seeing all the animals and familiar faces that come along with fair week. For me, fair week is just one of those events that make it truly feel like its summer.

So, that got me thinking about this week's GIVEAWAY. **waves hands excitedly**

TWEET me the one thing that makes you feel like summer has truly arrived. Be sure to include the hashtag #SummerIsHere in order for your entry to count.

You can find me on Twitter here--->@M1chelle_N1cole

Come Saturday (8/11), I'll notify the winner of this week's drawing. I still have in my possession three awesome books by a few of my upcoming Indie Authors of the Month (Devyn Dawson, Michelle Muto, & Courtney Cole) and if you already have their complete collections I just might be obliged to send you a Kindle copy of a book of your choice from M. Leighton or Tiffany King.

Now hold your horses!!! 
That's not all, folks! ;) I know there are some of you out there who just aren't tweeters and prefer the comforts of Facebook. So in your honor I'm hosting a giveaway just for you. Once my Facebook Fanpage hits 100 likes, I will do a drawing just for you lovelies. Same prizes up for grabs as mentioned above.

You can find me Facebook here---> Michelle Nicole

Alrighty friends, get to "Liking" or "Tweeting" so I can giveaway more of the awesome prizes I've got hanging around. :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

And the Winner is.....

And the winner is....


Tiffany you hit the nail on the head, my dear! The great, wonderful, sweet, and incredibly talented Tiffany King is September's Indie Author of the Month!!!!

You get your choice of....

Tiffany King's Meant to Be
M. Leighton's Madly & Wolfhardt
Michelle Muto's Don't Fear the Reaper
Courtney Cole's Every Last Kiss
Devyn Dawson's The Light Tamer

Tiffany, if you would so graciously email me ( your book of choice along with your address I will drop your winnings in the mail to you!!!! Congratulations!!!!

And the winner of the drawing for the consolation prize is.....

Congratulation, Melissa! Please email me ( your book of choice and address as well!

Thanks so much to all of you who participated in my first ever GIVEAWAY!!!!

Make sure you stay dialed in because there will be many more prizes to come! And in September we will be honoring

Tiffany King ~ September's Indie Author of the Month

Be sure to Like my page on FB
Michelle Nicole


Follow me on Twitter

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy August!

Hi, friends!
Can you believe its August?! I'm so happy its here for lots and lots of reasons! Only t-minus six days til the end of summer classes! Woop! Woop!

And in honor of August's arrival I think its time for my very first giveaway! ~waves hands excitedly~

Are you ready? Cause I am!

Alright, the FIRST person to correctly guess September's Indie Author of the Month is the winner!!!!  That lucky duck will get their choice of one of these awesome books below!!!!

Just leave your comment below!!! Good luck!

*** case you need a hint there's a good chance one of her books is in that pic. ;)